Business valuation consulting

We have different types of users, from specialist business valuers to those that have a little less experience – and may require some assistance. Either way, we’re here for you, to help you ace your business valuations, effortlessly.

Video conference assistance

Book a video conference consulting session with us via MS Teams or Zoom for seamless and specialist assistance with any of the following:

  • One-on-one training: Still unsure of certain aspects of a business valuation? Not only can we assist, but we will also build your confidence – for conducting future valuations.

  • Values don’t make sense? Or struggling to wrap up your business valuation? A brainstorming session with us is all you need for a fresh perspective – and to get right back on track.

Bespoke assistance

Let’s face it, there are some scenarios that require a more traditional approach. Here’s how we can help:

Valuation reviews

1. Valuation reviews

We can review your business valuation summary or report and provide expert comments on your draft valuation – to help you reach consensus on the calculation of your values. To this end, you can set up a virtual meeting with us right at inception – so we can first assist you with planning how to best compile your report. Upon completion of your draft summary, you will then have the opportunity to set up another virtual meeting – so we can review the report with you, before you finalise it. A review checklist is also attached for inclusion with your final summary or report.

Independent valuations

2. Independent valuations

Complete objectivity is critical at certain times, especially when it involves issues such as disputes, sensitive negotiations, tax-related matters, etc. In such instances, you can press on our button for an objective, independent valuation.  Unlimited virtual meetings and valuation adjustments are to your avail – throughout the entire process of compiling your report.

On-site group training

3. On-site group training

Should you prefer the personal touch that comes with face-to-face engagements, we will gladly arrange onsite group training sessions for you, in line with your specific requirements.

Summary of valuation support services

We offer a choice of approaches, to provide for varying requirements:

Meet Summary review Report review  Summary Report
Service Description Worth.Business assists valuer Worth.Business reviews valuer’s summary Worth.Business reviews valuer’s report Worth.Business compiles summary Worth.Business compiles summary and report
Virtual training or reviews of valuations Video meetings for one-on-one training, or to help you finalise the valuation with an online review and corrections, as necessary. Per hour 2 2 As many as needed As many as needed
Virtual reviews and adjustments of valuations Valuations are reviewed and adjustments are suggested during a video meeting. As many adjustments as required can be made, subject to discussion and approval by the valuer.   1 review 1 review As many adjustments as needed As many adjustments as needed
W.B checklist of compliance The W.B checklist is provided upfront, to enable self-correction. Upon completion, W.B issues this checklist with a statement to indicate compliance or non-compliance with the requirements of this checklist, with notes for consideration.   Yes Yes Yes Yes
Summaries for less complicated valuations Where it is warranted, we can provide a summary that simply outlines the entire trail of calculations, as opposed to a comprehensive valuation report.       +/- 7 pages* +/- 7 pages*
Independent valuation report Comprehensive, independent reports can be provided, which explain the underlying theory and substantiate all assumptions made in the valuation. This is recommended for larger and more challenging valuations, and especially where the forecast trends are different from historical trends.         +/- 22 pages*

*Where the discounted cash flow (DCF) method or the dividend discount model (DDM) is applied in valuations. The net asset value (NAV) summary is ±3 pages.